
GeoSpatial Video

“Iamtreked GeoSpatial Video is the combination of High Resolution Video with Geo Metadata (GPS & IMU) which turns a normal video into a decision making tool for many application”

GeoVideo created by drones or ground vehicle are easy to view and analyze in our InSighter Application, including tools
  • Geo-referenced (GPS) Video
  • Live Video Feed Monitoring
  • View with Satellite Images, Google Maps
  • Snap Photos from Video at Points of Interest
  • Mark Points of Interest with Waypoints Marker
  • Associate annotations with Waypoints
Post-Capture GeoVideo Analysis & Reporting

InSighter is an innovative geospatial application effectively integrate latest camera, GPS & Map technology for enabling disruptive way of Inspection, Monitoring & Asset Management and pro

vides users with simple but powerful tools for Geovideo analysis.

  • InSighter Desktop
  • InSighter Cloud/Server

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